Wheaton Conversations:
vanessa german & Rose B. Simpson
Watch the Jan. 21, 2021 recording above
Experience this Wheaton Conversations event with vanessa german and Rose B. Simpson as they explore what is important, as artists, at this period in time. Watch and listen as they share imagery of spaces and objects, discuss chosen images, and engage with audience responses.
A member of our Emanation 2017 cohort of invited artists, vanessa german worked with WheatonArts’ Glass Studio artists to create glass pieces for inclusion in her sculptures. The project’s resulting work, The Parade of Wonder Against the Myth of Certainty, or, How Not to Die of Lies, was a powerful installation that spoke to the grief for murdered black children, the healing power of community, strength found in compassion and vulnerability, and the holding of past, present, and future in black bodies.
This event is part of “Wheaton Conversations,” a new virtual series highlighting select artists with ties to WheatonArts! To see the full schedule of conversations, Click Here.

vanessa german is a citizen artist creating sculpture, performance, immersive installation and photography, that centers the earthling’s experience with loving, connection, intimacy, vulnerability, and creative power, as definitive Human Technologies. german’s work centers the insistence of Heart, Soul, and Loving as critical engines of shape-shifting and future-making in the dynamic ecosystems of body and community.

Rose B. Simpson hails from an arts and Permaculture environment at Santa Clara Pueblo, NM. Still residing on her ancestral homelands, Simpson explores ways to deconstruct gender roles, cultural stereotypes and social ideologies through many avenues of creative expression, from sculpture to farming, writing to parenting her small daughter. Her ceramic and mixed media sculpture has been exhibited internationally and is in museum collections throughout the country, including the Denver Art Museum and SFMoMA.
Simpson earned her BFA from the Institute of American Indian Arts, an Honors MFA in Ceramics from the Rhode Island School of Design, and an MFA in Creative Non-Fiction also from IAIA. She is on the Board of Directors of Flowering Tree Permaculture Institute, Tewa Women United, and the New Mexico School for the Arts. Her sculpture is represented by Jessica Silverman Gallery in San Francisco and Chiaroscuro Contemporary Art in Santa Fe.
Thank you to our sponsor, PNC Arts Alive!