In 1904 Carl Sandburg wrote, “Down in southern New Jersey they make glass. By day and by night, the fires burn on in Millville.”
The fires continue to burn in the WheatonArts Glass Studio. The Glass Studio, considered the heartbeat of the campus, is a public access studio where artists and the creative process are accessible to all who visit. Inspired by the original 1888 T.C. Wheaton Glass Factory, the building holds much of the essence and history of glassmaking in South Jersey while offering public access to one of the most creative studios in the country. Over 60,000 visitors a year (including 20,000+ children) benefit from artist demonstrations, special events and hands-on glassmaking. Visiting artists from all over the world and a resident team of staff artists make up an extended artist community that advances WheatonArts’s mission.. to engage artists and audiences in an evolving exploration of creativity.
Donating to the Glass Studio Fund is also a perfect way to honor a loved one who worked in the glassmaking industry. Seeded by an anonymous gift in 2015, the Glass Studio Fund now provides critical support for Glass Studio operations, arts education programs, artist residency programs, furnaces and other essential equipment.
Levels of Support
Supporters: $1- $99
Innovation Donors: $100 – $999
Creativity Donors: $1,000 – $9,999
Imagination Donors: $10,000 – $49,999
Inspiration Donors: $50,000 and over
All contributions will be listed on our website and in the WheatonArts Biennial Report. Donations of $100 or more will be acknowledged on a special donor wall to be installed in the Glass Studio.