Ramona Maziarz

Ramona Maziarz

Ramona T Maziarz

I am a pen and ink artist. My technique is simple; a metal nib dipped into a bottle of ink and touched to paper. However, I have tried to push this media and myself to create images that will draw you in to examine closer and to engage you.

The wonderful way plants and creatures grow together is what drew me to the study of nature. Nature determinedly leaves no place empty or untouched; weeds, flowers, insects and creatures living their lives entwined. It’s that tangle of life I like to observe and ink. In the chaos of these layers, there is an order, a rule for life; to continue onward, upward, and outward. I try to bring to my scenes a gentle acknowledgment to honor the common creatures. I endeavor to explore and find the small things lost in this busy world, bringing creatures and bits of nature forward so we may know them intimately again. It goes both ways, the creatures in my artwork look back at you as well.

Talking to others I am happy to find that the things I hold dear resonated in others too. Showing the artwork has underlined the importance of keeping these natural places and creatures in the front of people’s minds. As government funding lessens and parks are left out, as buildings overcrowd our wildlife, as technology turns our heads away from the quiet outdoors I think it is doubly important to be a voice that speaks for wildlife. That is the best part of being an artist; the connection it gives me to others and to the Earth.