David King Essay
David King Fall 2011 Fellow “Science has a fantasy that it is objective,” David King said memorably. An area of
An archival record, profiling the CGCA Fellows and their work.
David King Fall 2011 Fellow “Science has a fantasy that it is objective,” David King said memorably. An area of
Solange Ledwith Spring 2010 Fellow When you look really really closely at surfaces, what lies beneath or within them is
Michael Hengler 2013 Fellow Leaving the spring behind. Now, let’s rent A boat of rain! At Spring; Leaving Fushimi Ike
Jamie Harris Fall 2005 Fellow Jamie Harris, a Fall 2005 Resident Fellow at the Creative Glass Center of America, will
Jennifer Halvorson Fall 2010 Fellow The core tension in Jennifer Halvorson’s sculpture contrasts warm, interwoven complexity with icy, crystalline transparency.