Brett Swenson

“My studio practice is based on material experimentation coinciding with explorations of phenomena and phenomenological experience. As such, I often look to the natural world for materials or experiences to use as catalysts in my work. I become very invested with the materials and processes I employ until I have enough experiential knowledge and understanding to allow for an organic evolution to take place. The piece then ultimately generates a sense of curiosity in the viewer reminiscent of my own curiosity while creating it. I hope to subvert and blur the lines between the natural and the man-made, as well as to blend the practices of art and science.”
Brett Swenson was born and raised in the North Chicago suburbs. In 2010 he received his BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design where he assisted faculty including Jocelyne Prince, Chris Taylor, and Neils Cosman. Since then Brett has studied at Penland School of Crafts with Boyd Sugiki, interned for artist Mark Dion, and was recently a visiting artist at Tyler School of Art. Brett continues to show his work across the country, most recently exhibiting in New York City and Chicago.