Homemade Bouncy Balls
It’s time to bounce around! Using three simple ingredients, create a favorite classic toy at home, the Bouncy Ball. Make your ball unique by adding colored and glittered glue.

- Warm Water
- Borax
- Measuring Spoon
- Clear Elmer’s Glue
- Clear Elmer’s Glitter Glue
- Mixing
- Bowl
- Gloves (optional)
Step 1: Mix the borax solution. Heat ½ cup of water in a heat-safe bowl. The water should be warm but not scalding. Add one tablespoon of borax to the warm water and stir until dissolved.
Step 2: Allow the water and borax mixture to cool.
Step 3: Add the glue. Slowly pour the glue into the borax mixture. The more glue, the larger the ball will become.
Step 4: Form a ball. Squish and squeeze the glue in the borax solution. The glue will begin to harden as soon as it hits the borax solution. However, you will need to squish it around in the solution to shape it.
Step 5: Once the glue forms into a ball, remove it from the solution and roll it between your hands.
Step 6: Blot the ball with a paper towel once it is almost ready. Then, roll between your hands.
Step 7: The borax solution can be reused to make additional balls.
Step 8: Test the bouncy ball on the table surface! Place the ball in a plastic bag to store after play.
Ideas to take your bouncy ball to the next level:
- Experiment with different amounts of glue to make different-sized balls.
- Add inclusions to your ball. Will your ball still bounce if you add a button in the center of the glueball? Experiment to find out!
Learning and Discussion Questions:
1. Your new bouncy balls are perfect for tabletop games!
Visit these websites to learn more about games to play with friends:
A. Stuck in the Middle
B. Hamper Bouncy Ball
C. Bouncy Balls and Cups
2. Why do physicists love bouncy balls? Read this article in Inside Science to learn more about the physics of bouncy balls.
3. What makes a ball bounce? Watch this clip from Sesame Street to learn what makes them bounce.
Thank you to our sponsor, PNC Arts Alive!, for helping to make this video possible!