Author archives: Taral Thompson

  • Amy Rubinstein

    Amy Rubinstein

  • Amy Rubinstein

    Amy Rubinstein

  • Amy Rubinstein

    Amy Rubinstein

  • Amy Rubinstein

    Amy Rubinstein

Amy Rubinstein

Dennis Briening

Dennis has over thirty years of Salem Community College teaching scientific glass technology, glass chemistry and glass art. He also enjoyed challenges of being [...]

Dr. Jane Cook

Jane Cook was born and raised in the suburbs of Los Angeles, where she was nurtured in her twin loves [...]

Hiromi Takizawa

HIROMI TAKIZAWA was born and raised in Nagano, Japan and lives in southern California. Curiosity, experimentation, narrative, and materiality are [...]

Ian Burns

Ian Burns’ practice revolves around the development of processes that subjugate the seductions of technological media and clichés to supporting [...]

Jeremy Bert

Jeremy Bert is a Pacific Northwest neon artist originally from Montana. An early interest in ceramics led him to study [...]

Jen Elek

Jen Elek is a Northwest studio artist and educator working in glass. Jen utilizes blown furnace glass to create sculptural [...]

Kimberly Thomas

Kim attended Rhode Island School of Design, graduating with a BFA in Ceramics. Moving to California after college to work [...]

Leo Tecosky

Leo Tecosky, deconstructs iconography through an impressive range of glassmaking techniques. From graffiti letters etched with Islamic patterns to hot-sculpted, [...]

Nate Ricciuto

Nate Ricciuto lives and works in Columbus, OH. His projects merge glass, image and performative objects in envisioning bodily experience, [...]