Creative Glass Fellows

1997 Creative Glass Fellows Hitoshi Kakizaki and Kait Rhoads working in the Glass Studio

Current 2024 Creative Glass Fellows

April 8 to May 20

Black and white headshot of WheatonArts 2024 Creative Glass Fellow Anna Boothe. Anna has shoulder-length hair, a turtle neck shirt, and is smiling at the camera.

Anna Boothe (she/her)
Zieglerville, PA, USA
Collab with Nancy

Black and white headshot of WheatonArts 2024 Creative Glass Fellow Nancy Cohen. Nancy has short hair, glasses, and a shirt with dark speckles. Nancy is standing in front of a white wall with a portion of a piece of artwork pictured on the right side of the image.

Nancy Cohen (she/her)
Jersey City, NJ, USA
Collab with Anna

Black and white image of WheatonArts 2024 Creative Glass Fellow Jaime Guerrero using a large metal paddle tool and a torch on a large human-shaped glass piece. in front of a crowd of viewers. Another artist is also using a torch on piece in the top right corner.

Jaime Guerrero (he/him)
Pittsburgh PA, USA

June 3 to July 15

Black and white headshot image of WheatonArts 2024 Creative Glass Fellow: Brianna Gluszak. Brianna has short hair that is cut above the chin and is wearing a long sleeve shirt with buttons. a collar, and a pocket on the right side.

Brianna Gluszak (they/them)
Canada/Columbus, OH

Grayscale headshot of WheatonArts 2024 Creative Glass Fellow Lily Wilkins. Lily is wearing a long-sleeve shirt with a collar, buttons, and a pocket on the right side. Lily is looking off to the side in the image and her hair is tied back.

Lily Wilkins (she/her)
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Oct. 7 to Nov. 18

Black and white headshot of WheatonArts 2024 Creative Glass Fellow: Dean Erdmann.
Dean Erdmann (they/them)
Brooklyn, NY, USA
Black and white headshot of WheatonArts 2024 Creative Glass Fellow: Amy Lemaire. Amy's hair is tied up and off to the left side with a scarf. Amy is also wearing a scarf around her neck, three necklaces, and a short sleeve shirt. The first necklace is shorter than the others and is comprised of large round beads, the next necklace is longer with smaller beads, and the final necklace is the longest necklace and is made up of small beads.
Brooklyn, NY, USA

Past Creative Glass Fellows

A — B

Abilgaard, Mark ‘85
Adams, Jan ‘94
Adams, Hank ‘01
Ahmadizadeh, Victoria ’17
Akers, James ’19
Akester, Karen ‘03
Aleman, Priscilla ’19
Allen, Ruth ‘94 ‘05
Altman, Lynne-Rachel ‘86
Amis, Michael ‘97
Andolina, Gary ‘00
Andres, Peter ‘90
Anton, Susan ‘83
Aoki, Miho ‘98
Applebaum, Leon ‘83
Asai, Yoshiko ‘99
Aschenbrenner, Michael ‘91

Baba, Junichiro ‘96
Bachorik, Vladimir ‘94
Bacon, Nan ‘98
Barney, Christine ‘88 ‘96
Barreda, Marc ’08

Batty, Theresa ‘03
Bearnot, Andrew ’13
Beck, Robert C. ’19
Beck, Sarah Max ’19
Bellucci, Robert ‘87
Benefield, Scott ‘02 ’15
Berkower, Emrys ‘05
Bernstein, William ‘90
Betz, Tina ‘92
Biddle, Megan ‘05 ’09
Bidstrup, Stine ’07 ’13
Blackmer, Jessie ’12
Blazina, Jennifer ‘03
*Blum, Timothy ‘04
Bone, Jody ‘88
Boroson, Lee ‘90
Brekke, John ‘90
Brett, Piper ‘06
*Brockmann, Ruth ‘88
Bruce, Jane ‘89 ‘91
Bubacco, Lucio ‘93
Budd, Kathy ‘92
Burnett, Jeff ‘85
Bursuker, Moshe ’07

C — D

Callan, Nancy ‘01
Camner, David ‘87
Campbell, Blais ‘94
Campbell, Robin ‘95
Cantu, Kayla ’22
Carder, Ken ‘96
Cariati, Joe ‘98
Cass, Robin ‘93
Cerny, Lisa ‘01
Chapline, Jeff ‘85
Chardiet, Jose ‘84
Chaseling, Scott ’96
Chen, Hesheng ’15
Cheung, Carina ’08
Chism, Alison ‘98
Choi, John ‘06
*Chung, Kanik ‘05
Cioe, Anthony ‘05
Clarke, Christopher ‘00
Cohen, Carol ‘95
Couig, William ‘03
*Courtney, Norman ‘02
Crembil, Gustavo ’16
Crescuillo, Jennifer ’17
Crouch, Tom ‘87 ‘91
Crowder, Michael ’15
Curtis, Matthew ‘99
Cutler, Vanessa ’08
Cutrone, Daniel ‘05
Czeresko, Deborah ‘06, ’10

Dailey, Dan ‘89
Dane, Robert ‘91
Davidson, Patricia ‘87
Day, Stephen Paul ‘92 ’97 ’04 ’09
DeCapite, Clark ’13
DeClerck, Sandra ’10
DeFabbia-Kane, Eamon ’17
de la Torre, Einar ’04
de la Torre, Jamex ‘04
de Obaldia, Isabel ‘06
DeWall, Joshua ’08
de Wit, John ‘92
Dennison, Jim ’07
*Desmett, Ron ‘91
Dexter, Will ‘90
Dilley, Nancy ‘90
DiNardo, Leonard ‘85
Donnellan, Karen ’18
Dopp, Joshua ‘02
Duffy, Christopher ’11

E — F

Eckerd, Richard ‘87
Edols, Benjamin ‘93
Elliott, Kathy ‘93
Emmett, Sophia ‘01
Esaki, Megumi ‘01
Espersen, Maria Bang ’13

Fan, Jes ’15
Farbanish, Tom ‘85 ‘90 ‘02
*Ferguson, Mark ‘06
Fernandez, Kellmis ‘92
Fezer, Simone ‘04
Fitzel, Scott ‘97
Fjellman, Frida ‘05
Forslund, Karin ’14
Fowler, Mark ‘89
Francis, Ed ‘91
Francois, Damien ’12
Freve, Carole ‘00

G — H

Gardner, Robert ‘02
Garner, Doreen ’10
Gazale, Pamela ‘89
Geer, Samuel ‘09
Gilardoni, Rosella ‘00
Gilbert, Sarah R. ’07
Gilbreath, Morgan ’16
Ginsberg, Justin ’15
Givotovsky, Igor ‘93
Glasgow, Susan Taylor ‘03
Glover, Tracy ‘89
Gonjo, Mafune ’14
Gonzales, Romina ’19
Gonzalez, Don ‘85
Grant III, Joe ‘06
Gray, Katherine ‘92
Grossman, Max ’13
Grennan, Kathleen ‘97
Guernsey-Leppla, Melanie  ‘86 ‘96
Gussek, Jens ‘04

Halvorson, Erik ‘85
Halvorson, Jennifer ’10
Harmon, James ‘83 ‘88
Harmon, Joan ’14
Harty, Kimberly ’08
Harris, Jamie ‘05
Hawes, Rika ’08
*Hazlegrove, Page ‘88
Hengler, Michael ’13
Herhusky, Robert ‘94
Hervey, Lee ‘89
Heyd, Eva ‘06
Hirako, Kyoko ’14
Hoffman, Michael ‘00
*Holland, Susan ‘94
Holmes, James ‘86
Hopper, David ‘86
Horvitz, Suzanne ‘90
Houk, Peter ‘99
Hude, Katrina ‘96

I — J

Ikeda, Ayako ‘06
Im, Hyun Jun ’13
Isphording, Anja ‘95

Jacob, Matt ’23
Jacobson, Garry ‘93
Jager, Eileen ‘91
Johnsen, Susanne Joker  ‘00
*Jojola, Anthony ‘88
Jones, Carmichael ’15
Julius, Jessica ’07 ’11

K — L

Kaffeman, Dafna ‘03
Kahl, Fred ‘91 ’15
Kahn, Misha ’13
Kakizaki, Hitoshi ‘97
Kalantari, Saman ’10
Kelly, Elizabeth ‘02
Kibath, Nicole ‘00
Kim, Su-yeon ’22
King, Beth ‘96
King, David ’11 ’19
King, Ruth ‘90
Kirkpatrick, Hannah ’12
Knowles, Sabrina ‘99
Kobasz, Mark ‘98 ’17
Kobayashi, Eriko ’23
*Kohler, Lucartha ‘88 ‘90
Kosehnkova, Maria ’14
Kozak, Karyn ‘84
Kozuru, Niho ‘97

Ladd, Tracey ‘02
LaMonte, Karen ‘91 ‘02
Langston, Nancy ‘93
Larned, Paul ‘96
Ledwith, Solange ’10
Lemaire, Amy ’15
Leperlier, Antoine ‘09
Leppla, David ‘86
Levi, David ‘90
Lewin, David ‘84
Lipman, Beth ‘01
Lopez, Chuck ‘03
Lorenzi, Mark ‘89
Lorson, Stephen ‘92
Lozier, Alexandra ’15
Lutz, Rob ‘98

M — N

Magin, John ‘84
Manz, Valentin ’07 ’13
Mar, Stanley ‘99
Marshall, Brent ‘01
Marx, Liz ‘89
Masuda, Hideko ‘01
Matsufuji, Koichi ‘97
McCarroll, Steve ‘88
McClure, Elizabeth ‘97
McElheny, Josiah ‘92 ‘95
McHugh, Mark ‘98
McKinley, Mollie ’18
McLain, Kelly ‘93
McLeod, James ‘03
Metcalf, Michael ‘91
Meyer, Charlotte ‘00
Michaelides, Dimitri ‘90
Mikula, Michael ‘94
Miles, Elaine ’07

Miller, John ‘98
Mills, Rick ’86 ‘04
Mishiychi, Miyuki ’02
Miyake, Mayumi ‘05
Miyazaki, Yasuko ‘06
Mlasowsky, Anna ’11
Moore, Tom ‘98
Moran, John ‘09
Morris, Paige Lizbeth ’23
Mowlds, Sadhbh ’23
Mulcahy, Kathleen ‘91
Munro, J. Angus ‘86

Nangle, Gregory ‘06
Naylor, Karen ‘91
Nelson, Stephen ‘86 ‘88
Newbold, Andrew ‘06
Newcomb, Gerry ‘96
Nichols, Kerstin ‘91
Niimi, Hiroki ‘01
Nishiuchi, Miyuki ‘02

O — P

O’Brien, Leslie ‘93
O’Dorisio, Joel ‘96
Ogai, Miho ‘03
Ogawa, Chikako ’10
Oki, Aya ’14
Oku, Densaburou ‘93 ‘94
*Olmsted, Vincent ‘84
Osorio-Zapata, Edison ’08
Otani, Yuka ’11
Owens, Patricia ‘95
Ozmen, Gulfidan ’18

Pak, Tanja ‘01
*Pancari, Jackie ‘97
Pappenheimer, Will ‘87 ‘89
Parker, Kingsley ‘95
Parriott, Helena ’16

Parsons, Mark Bokesch ‘03
Pawlak, Kazimierz ‘94
Pearson, Todd ‘93
Pelissier, Kiara ’07
Peretti, Sibylle ‘92 ’97 ‘04
Perez, Matthew Day ’12
Perkins, Elizabeth ‘05
Petters, Anne ’12
Pexa, Aaron ’15 ’19
Pitt, Sara ’11
Pizzichillo, Bruce ‘88
Podracký, Tadeáš  ’16
Pohlman, Jenny ‘99
Potter, Charlotte  ’08
Powers, Angus ‘03
Prince, Jocelyne ‘00

R — S

Rader, Rachel ’16
Rasengani, Ndivhuho ’23
Rea, Kirstie ‘96
Restrepo, Luisa ’10
Retpen, Marie ‘09
Rhoads, Kait ‘97, ’08
Ricciuto, Nate ’16
Ridabock, Peter ‘84
Rijsdijk, Meza ‘99
Riley, Anna ’16
Riond Sibony, Anne-Lise ‘09
Roberts-Chamberlain, Amy ‘83
Robinson, John Paul ‘02
Rosenberg, Alexander ’18
Rosenfeld, Erica ’07 ’11 ’17
Rovelto, Hope ’11
Rovner, Rodi ‘87
Rumaner, Jeff (Stretch) ‘99

Sahana, Sisir ’00 ‘04
Salamon, Emma ’10
Salazar, Esteban ’23
Salerno, Jodi ‘95
Sarapu, Maret ’07
Sarmiento, Jeffrey ‘02
Sasaki, Rui ’11
Scavuzzo, Robert ‘99
Schatteman, Katrijn ’08
Schmid, Edward ‘94
Schnuckel, David ’09
Schroder, Henner ‘87
Schubel, Liesl ’14

Schunke, Michael ‘99
Schwieder, Paul ‘90 ‘99
Sclafani, Louis ‘90
*Scott, Rolanda ‘93
Shaffer, Mary ‘89
Shaw, Tim ‘90
Shimomoto, Harue ’09
Shpeizman, Boris ‘06
Sideman, Wil ’18
Siegel, Alison ’17
Smith, Bruce ‘88
*Smith, Drew ‘91
Snyderman, Evan ‘95
Song, Keunae ’12
Sparre-Petersen, Maria ‘01
Spitzer, Daniel ‘95
Srinivasan, Anjali ‘09
Stadus, Pamela ‘93
Starita, Celeste ‘02
Sterling, Lisabeth ‘94
Stern, Ethan ’08
Stevens, Magan ‘00
Stewart, Michael ‘90
Sugiki, Boyd ‘92
Suh, Woo Mee ‘92
Susanj, Draga ’10
Sutherland, Heather ’18
Swenson, Brett ’11
Swinburne, Elizabeth ’05
Szosz, C. Matthew ’08

T — V

Tagliapietra, Lino ’89
Tajima, Atsuko ’07
Takeshi, Fukunishi ’12
Taylor, Kristen Neville ’17
Tazzyman, Itzell ‘98
Tedesco, Chris ‘92 ‘99
Thieriot, Ferdinand ‘98
Thorgeirsdottir, Brynhildur  ‘89
Tobin, Steve ‘83
Tom, Robet ‘89
Torres, Josefina Munoz ’23
Traylor, Pamina ’95 ‘03
Tsujino, Takeshi ‘97

Van Cline, Mary ‘83 ‘90
Van Deurzen, James ‘84
Vanetik, Valentin ‘85
Viggiani, Jill ‘98
Vindel, Pablo ’17
Viviano, Norwood ’16
Voelbel, Evan ’18
von Wachenfeldt, Ebba ‘94

W — Z

Wagner, Tim ‘05
Walters, David ’95 ‘04
Weston, Charisse ‘n/a
Whiteside, Grace ’22
Williams, Leanne ’07
Wilson, Bryan McGovern ’12
Wilson, Celeste ’13
Wright, Nathan ’19
Wolfe, Jon M. ‘84
Wolfe, Thaddeus ’07
Wolston, Chris ’12
Wright, Benjamin ‘04, ’12

Yamano, Hiroshi ‘89
Yakutake, Harumi ‘96

Zimmer, Jeff ’16
Zimmerman, Jeff ‘00
Zimmerman, Walter ‘95 ‘01
Zirpel, Mark ‘04

* before a name indicates the past fellow is now deceased.
May their memories forever live on in the hearts of those who knew them and in the art they left behind for future generations to discover.