Creative Glass Fellows

1997 Creative Glass Fellows Hitoshi Kakizaki and Kait Rhoads working in the Glass Studio

Current 2025 Creative Glass Fellows

April 8 to May 20

Grayscale image of Danielle Brensinger. The image shows Danielle sitting at a glassblowing bench with a metal rod across the the sides of the bench. The top of a large piece of hot glass is pictured in the image at the end of the metal rod. Danielle has light hair, is wearing glasses, and is looking at the hot glass.

Danielle Brensinger (she/her)
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Grayscale side profile portrait photo of Andrew Bearnot. Andrew has short hair, glasses, and facial hair. The image has a wavy streak effect to it.

Andrew Bearnot (they/them)
Chicago, IL, USA

Grayscale image of Liesl Schubel sitting at a glassblowing bench. There is a metal rod across the sides of the bench and a small mass of hot glass at the end of it. Liesl is using a large pair of metal tweezers to shape the rod hot glass. Liesl has dark hair, glasses, and is looking towards the hot glass.

Liesl Schubel (they/them)
Trenton, NJ, USA

June 3 to July 15

Grayscale portrait image of Kris Rumman. Kris has dark hair and is wearing butterfly and flower patterned dark clothing. Kris's body is angled to the right, but is looking straight forward at the camera.

Kris Rumman (she/her)
Brooklyn, NY, USA

Grayscale portrait photo of Rebecca Arday. Rebecca is facing the camera, has long dark hair, and is wearing a dark short sleeve shirt.

Rebecca Arday (she/her)
Alfred, NY, USA

Oct. 14 to Nov. 25

Grayscale side profile image of Anna Antonia Yiaxi Savvidou working at a glassblowing bench. Anna is using both hands to shape hot glass with a large pair of metal tweezers. A small corner of the hot glass is pictured at the bottom right of the image.
Grayscale portrait photo of Francois Pietersen. Francois has curly hair that stops under the ears, is wearing a dark shirt, and is smiling at the camera.
Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa
Grayscale image of Inga Lokwe working at a glassblowing bench and using a torch at the end of a long piece of hot glass that is at the end of a metal rod. There is a cord going across Inga's shoulder. Inga is wearing a beanie, dark glasses, and a dark long sleeve WheatonArts shirt.
Inga Lokwe (she/her)
Johannesburg, South Africa

Past Creative Glass Fellows

A — B

Abilgaard, Mark ‘85
Adams, Jan ‘94
Adams, Hank ‘01
Ahmadizadeh, Victoria ’17
Akers, James ’19
Akester, Karen ‘03
Aleman, Priscilla ’19
Allen, Ruth ‘94 ‘05
Altman, Lynne-Rachel ‘86
Amis, Michael ‘97
Andolina, Gary ‘00
Andres, Peter ‘90
Anton, Susan ‘83
Aoki, Miho ‘98
Applebaum, Leon ‘83
Asai, Yoshiko ‘99
Aschenbrenner, Michael ‘91

Baba, Junichiro ‘96
Bachorik, Vladimir ‘94
Bacon, Nan ‘98
Barney, Christine ‘88 ‘96
Barreda, Marc ’08
Boothe, Anna ’24

Batty, Theresa ‘03
Bearnot, Andrew ’13
Beck, Robert C. ’19
Beck, Sarah Max ’19
Bellucci, Robert ‘87
Benefield, Scott ‘02 ’15
Berkower, Emrys ‘05
Bernstein, William ‘90
Betz, Tina ‘92
Biddle, Megan ‘05 ’09
Bidstrup, Stine ’07 ’13
Blackmer, Jessie ’12
Blazina, Jennifer ‘03
*Blum, Timothy ‘04
Bone, Jody ‘88
Boroson, Lee ‘90
Brekke, John ‘90
Brett, Piper ‘06
*Brockmann, Ruth ‘88
Bruce, Jane ‘89 ‘91
Bubacco, Lucio ‘93
Budd, Kathy ‘92
Burnett, Jeff ‘85
Bursuker, Moshe ’07

C — D

Callan, Nancy ‘01
Camner, David ‘87
Campbell, Blais ‘94
Campbell, Robin ‘95
Cantu, Kayla ’22
Carder, Ken ‘96
Cariati, Joe ‘98
Cass, Robin ‘93
Cerny, Lisa ‘01
Chapline, Jeff ‘85
Chardiet, Jose ‘84
Chaseling, Scott ’96
Chen, Hesheng ’15
Cheung, Carina ’08
Chism, Alison ‘98
Choi, John ‘06
*Chung, Kanik ‘05
Cioe, Anthony ‘05
Clarke, Christopher ‘00
Cohen, Carol ‘95
Cohen, Nancy ’24
Couig, William ‘03
*Courtney, Norman ‘02
Crembil, Gustavo ’16
Crescuillo, Jennifer ’17
Crouch, Tom ‘87 ‘91
Crowder, Michael ’15
Curtis, Matthew ‘99
Cutler, Vanessa ’08
Cutrone, Daniel ‘05
Czeresko, Deborah ‘06, ’10

Dailey, Dan ‘89
Dane, Robert ‘91
Davidson, Patricia ‘87
Day, Stephen Paul ‘92 ’97 ’04 ’09
DeCapite, Clark ’13
DeClerck, Sandra ’10
DeFabbia-Kane, Eamon ’17
de la Torre, Einar ’04
de la Torre, Jamex ‘04
de Obaldia, Isabel ‘06
DeWall, Joshua ’08
de Wit, John ‘92
Dennison, Jim ’07
*Desmett, Ron ‘91
Dexter, Will ‘90
Dilley, Nancy ‘90
DiNardo, Leonard ‘85
Donnellan, Karen ’18
Dopp, Joshua ‘02
Duffy, Christopher ’11

E — F

Eckerd, Richard ‘87
Edols, Benjamin ‘93
Elliott, Kathy ‘93
Emmett, Sophia ‘01
Erdman, Dean ’24
Esaki, Megumi ‘01
Espersen, Maria Bang ’13

Fan, Jes ’15
Farbanish, Tom ‘85 ‘90 ‘02
*Ferguson, Mark ‘06
Fernandez, Kellmis ‘92
Fezer, Simone ‘04
Fitzel, Scott ‘97
Fjellman, Frida ‘05
Forslund, Karin ’14
Fowler, Mark ‘89
Francis, Ed ‘91
Francois, Damien ’12
Freve, Carole ‘00

G — H

Gardner, Robert ‘02
Garner, Doreen ’10
Gazale, Pamela ‘89
Geer, Samuel ‘09
Gilardoni, Rosella ‘00
Gilbert, Sarah R. ’07
Gilbreath, Morgan ’16
Ginsberg, Justin ’15
Givotovsky, Igor ‘93
Glasgow, Susan Taylor ‘03
Glover, Tracy ‘89
Gluszak, Brianna ’24
Gonjo, Mafune ’14
Gonzales, Romina ’19
Gonzalez, Don ‘85
Grant III, Joe ‘06
Gray, Katherine ‘92
Grossman, Max ’13
Grennan, Kathleen ‘97
Guernsey-Leppla, Melanie  ‘86 ‘96
Guerrero, Jaime ’24
Gussek, Jens ‘04

Halvorson, Erik ‘85
Halvorson, Jennifer ’10
Harmon, James ‘83 ‘88
Harmon, Joan ’14
Harty, Kimberly ’08
Harris, Jamie ‘05
Hawes, Rika ’08
*Hazlegrove, Page ‘88
Hengler, Michael ’13
Herhusky, Robert ‘94
Hervey, Lee ‘89
Heyd, Eva ‘06
Hirako, Kyoko ’14
Hoffman, Michael ‘00
*Holland, Susan ‘94
Holmes, James ‘86
Hopper, David ‘86
Horvitz, Suzanne ‘90
Houk, Peter ‘99
Hude, Katrina ‘96

I — J

Ikeda, Ayako ‘06
Im, Hyun Jun ’13
Isphording, Anja ‘95

Jacob, Matt ’23
Jacobson, Garry ‘93
Jager, Eileen ‘91
Johnsen, Susanne Joker  ‘00
*Jojola, Anthony ‘88
Jones, Carmichael ’15
Julius, Jessica ’07 ’11

K — L

Kaffeman, Dafna ‘03
Kahl, Fred ‘91 ’15
Kahn, Misha ’13
Kakizaki, Hitoshi ‘97
Kalantari, Saman ’10
Kelly, Elizabeth ‘02
Kibath, Nicole ‘00
Kim, Su-yeon ’22
King, Beth ‘96
King, David ’11 ’19
King, Ruth ‘90
Kirkpatrick, Hannah ’12
Knowles, Sabrina ‘99
Kobasz, Mark ‘98 ’17
Kobayashi, Eriko ’23
*Kohler, Lucartha ‘88 ‘90
Kosehnkova, Maria ’14
Kozak, Karyn ‘84
Kozuru, Niho ‘97

Ladd, Tracey ‘02
LaMonte, Karen ‘91 ‘02
Langston, Nancy ‘93
Larned, Paul ‘96
Ledwith, Solange ’10
Lemaire, Amy ’15 ’24
Leperlier, Antoine ‘09
Leppla, David ‘86
Levi, David ‘90
Lewin, David ‘84
Lipman, Beth ‘01
Lopez, Chuck ‘03
Lorenzi, Mark ‘89
Lorson, Stephen ‘92
Lozier, Alexandra ’15
Lutz, Rob ‘98

M — N

Magin, John ‘84
Manz, Valentin ’07 ’13
Mar, Stanley ‘99
Marshall, Brent ‘01
Marx, Liz ‘89
Masuda, Hideko ‘01
Matsufuji, Koichi ‘97
McCarroll, Steve ‘88
McClure, Elizabeth ‘97
McElheny, Josiah ‘92 ‘95
McHugh, Mark ‘98
McKinley, Mollie ’18
McLain, Kelly ‘93
McLeod, James ‘03
Metcalf, Michael ‘91
Meyer, Charlotte ‘00
Michaelides, Dimitri ‘90
Mikula, Michael ‘94
Miles, Elaine ’07

Miller, John ‘98
Mills, Rick ’86 ‘04
Mishiychi, Miyuki ’02
Miyake, Mayumi ‘05
Miyazaki, Yasuko ‘06
Mlasowsky, Anna ’11
Moore, Tom ‘98
Moran, John ‘09
Morris, Paige Lizbeth ’23
Mowlds, Sadhbh ’23
Mulcahy, Kathleen ‘91
Munro, J. Angus ‘86

Nangle, Gregory ‘06
Naylor, Karen ‘91
Nelson, Stephen ‘86 ‘88
Newbold, Andrew ‘06
Newcomb, Gerry ‘96
Nichols, Kerstin ‘91
Niimi, Hiroki ‘01
Nishiuchi, Miyuki ‘02

O — P

O’Brien, Leslie ‘93
O’Dorisio, Joel ‘96
Ogai, Miho ‘03
Ogawa, Chikako ’10
Oki, Aya ’14
Oku, Densaburou ‘93 ‘94
*Olmsted, Vincent ‘84
Osorio-Zapata, Edison ’08
Otani, Yuka ’11
Owens, Patricia ‘95
Ozmen, Gulfidan ’18

Pak, Tanja ‘01
*Pancari, Jackie ‘97
Pappenheimer, Will ‘87 ‘89
Parker, Kingsley ‘95
Parriott, Helena ’16

Parsons, Mark Bokesch ‘03
Pawlak, Kazimierz ‘94
Pearson, Todd ‘93
Pelissier, Kiara ’07
Peretti, Sibylle ‘92 ’97 ‘04
Perez, Matthew Day ’12
Perkins, Elizabeth ‘05
Petters, Anne ’12
Pexa, Aaron ’15 ’19
Pitt, Sara ’11
Pizzichillo, Bruce ‘88
Podracký, Tadeáš  ’16
Pohlman, Jenny ‘99
Potter, Charlotte  ’08
Powers, Angus ‘03
Prince, Jocelyne ‘00

R — S

Rader, Rachel ’16
Rasengani, Ndivhuho ’23
Rea, Kirstie ‘96
Restrepo, Luisa ’10
Retpen, Marie ‘09
Rhoads, Kait ‘97, ’08
Ricciuto, Nate ’16
Ridabock, Peter ‘84
Rijsdijk, Meza ‘99
Riley, Anna ’16
Riond Sibony, Anne-Lise ‘09
Roberts-Chamberlain, Amy ‘83
Robinson, John Paul ‘02
Rosenberg, Alexander ’18
Rosenfeld, Erica ’07 ’11 ’17
Rovelto, Hope ’11
Rovner, Rodi ‘87
Rumaner, Jeff (Stretch) ‘99

Sahana, Sisir ’00 ‘04
Salamon, Emma ’10
Salazar, Esteban ’23
Salerno, Jodi ‘95
Sarapu, Maret ’07
Sarmiento, Jeffrey ‘02
Sasaki, Rui ’11
Scavuzzo, Robert ‘99
Schatteman, Katrijn ’08
Schmid, Edward ‘94
Schnuckel, David ’09
Schroder, Henner ‘87
Schubel, Liesl ’14

Schunke, Michael ‘99
Schwieder, Paul ‘90 ‘99
Sclafani, Louis ‘90
*Scott, Rolanda ‘93
Shaffer, Mary ‘89
Shaw, Tim ‘90
Shimomoto, Harue ’09
Shpeizman, Boris ‘06
Sideman, Wil ’18
Siegel, Alison ’17
Smith, Bruce ‘88
*Smith, Drew ‘91
Snyderman, Evan ‘95
Song, Keunae ’12
Sparre-Petersen, Maria ‘01
Spitzer, Daniel ‘95
Srinivasan, Anjali ‘09
Stadus, Pamela ‘93
Starita, Celeste ‘02
Sterling, Lisabeth ‘94
Stern, Ethan ’08
Stevens, Magan ‘00
Stewart, Michael ‘90
Sugiki, Boyd ‘92
Suh, Woo Mee ‘92
Susanj, Draga ’10
Sutherland, Heather ’18
Swenson, Brett ’11
Swinburne, Elizabeth ’05
Szosz, C. Matthew ’08

T — V

Tagliapietra, Lino ’89
Tajima, Atsuko ’07
Takeshi, Fukunishi ’12
Taylor, Kristen Neville ’17
Tazzyman, Itzell ‘98
Tedesco, Chris ‘92 ‘99
Thieriot, Ferdinand ‘98
Thorgeirsdottir, Brynhildur  ‘89
Tobin, Steve ‘83
Tom, Robet ‘89
Torres, Josefina Munoz ’23
Traylor, Pamina ’95 ‘03
Tsujino, Takeshi ‘97

Van Cline, Mary ‘83 ‘90
Van Deurzen, James ‘84
Vanetik, Valentin ‘85
Viggiani, Jill ‘98
Vindel, Pablo ’17
Viviano, Norwood ’16
Voelbel, Evan ’18
von Wachenfeldt, Ebba ‘94

W — Z

Wagner, Tim ‘05
Walters, David ’95 ‘04
Weston, Charisse ‘n/a
Whiteside, Grace ’22
Wilkins, Lily ’24
Williams, Leanne ’07
Wilson, Bryan McGovern ’12
Wilson, Celeste ’13
Wright, Nathan ’19
Wolfe, Jon M. ‘84
Wolfe, Thaddeus ’07
Wolston, Chris ’12
Wright, Benjamin ‘04, ’12

Yamano, Hiroshi ‘89
Yakutake, Harumi ‘96

Zimmer, Jeff ’16
Zimmerman, Jeff ‘00
Zimmerman, Walter ‘95 ‘01
Zirpel, Mark ‘04

* before a name indicates the past fellow is now deceased.
May their memories forever live on in the hearts of those who knew them and in the art they left behind for future generations to discover.