Anna Antonia Yiaxi Savvidou

Anna Antonia Yiaxi Savvidou
Anna Antonia Yiaxi Savvidou is a visual artist born in Nicosia, Cyprus, in 1996. She is currently a second-year MFA Sculpture/Dimensional Studies candidate at the New York State College of Ceramics, Alfred University. As part of her Graduate Assistantship, she has held the position of a teaching assistant for several courses including Intro to Sculpture, Intro to Glass, Junior Glass
Blowing and Junior Glass Casting.
Throughout 2024, Anna has remained an active member of the Alfred community, exhibiting work locally at venues such as the Stull Observatory, Cohen Gallery and the Union University Church.
Anna earned both her Bachelor’s and Integrated Master’s degree in Visual Arts with a focus on Sculpture from the Athens School of Fine Arts in 2020. During her undergraduate studies, she spent the academic year of 2017–2018 at Weissensee Kunsthochschule in Berlin.
Her artistic practice has been showcased in group exhibitions across Europe, including Chew in at NOUCMAS (2019) in Athens,”ΠΕΙΡΑΩ” at KYAN (2021) in Athens, and MASSA at Blikfabriek (2021) in Antwerp, Belgium. Additionally, her work has been exhibited and sold by the gallery Callirrhoë in Athens, Greece (2023).