Past GlassWeekends

Past GlassWeekends

Guest Demonstrating Artists: Beth Lipman, Davide Salvadore, Hiroshi Yamano
Keynote Speaker: Judith Schaechter

Featured Guest Artists: Richard Royal (Seattle) and Giles Bettison (Australia).
Keynote Address byDan Dailey

GlassWeekend ’09
Guest Demonstrating Artists: Kari Russell-Pool and Marc Petrovic, Sybille Peretti and Stephen Paul Day

GlassWeekend ’07
Guest Demonstrating Artists: “Divas of Glass” Laura Donefer, Sabrina Knowles & Jenny Pohlman
Guest Speaker: Dan Klein

GlassWeekend ’05
Guest Demonstrating Artists: JoséChardietHank AdamsShane Fero
Special Artist Presentation: Seeing Sculpture in Glass.  Phoebe Adams, noted artist and lecturer, will review her work as well as other established and younger artists that use glass in their work.

GlassWeekend ‘03
Guest Demonstrating Artists: Richard Jolley, Dante Marioni and Janusz Pozniak
Special Artist Presentation: Inside the Head of Hank Murta Adams – Ruminations and Illuminations.

GlassWeekend ‘01
Guest Demonstrating Artists: Thermon Statom, Einar and Jamex de la Torre, Martin Blank and Kjell Engman
Special Presentation: Collector to Collector – Assessing the Future of Your Collection Presented by Mike Mendelsohn, managing Partner of CM Briddge, Ltd. and avid glass collector

GlassWeekend ‘99
Guest Demonstrating Artists: Bertil Vallien and Stephen Powell
Keynote address: Dan Daily

GlassWeekend ‘97
Guest Demonstrating Artist: Lino Tagliapietra
Keynote address: Dale Chihuly

GlassWeekend ‘95
Guest Demonstrating Artists:  Richard Marquis, Dante Marioni, Nick Mount and Janusz Pozniak.

GlassWeekend ‘93
Guest Demonstrating Artist: William Morris

GlassWeekend ‘91
Guest Demonstrating Artist: Dale Chihuly

GlassWeekend ‘89

GlassWeekend ‘87

GlassWeekend ‘85