The Good, the Evil, and the Funny: Ritual & Mask Dance of Latin America

april, 2023

01apr11:00 am31dec(dec 31)4:00 pmThe Good, the Evil, and the Funny: Ritual & Mask Dance of Latin America

A black & gold mask that is a part of the Down Jersey Folklife Center exhibit: The Good, the Evil, and the Funny: Ritual & Mask Dance of Latin America, is to the left of

Event Details

The Good, the Evil, and the Funny: Ritual & Mask Dance of Latin America
April 1 through December 31, 2023
In the Down Jersey Folklife Center

The exhibition provides a comparative perspective of ritual and celebratory use of masks and mask dances, as well as an interpretation of symbolism and designs that reflect specific cultural meanings, aesthetics, and stories.


April 1 (Saturday) 11:00 am - December 31 (Sunday) 4:00 pm