Wheaton Conversations:
Tyrese “Bright Flower” Gould Jacinto
Watch the Nov. 5, 2020 recording above
Lenape arts have thousands of years of history to them. They are rooted in tradition, inspired by individual imagination and skill; each created artwork speaks and communicates to the creator’s heart. “I am inspired to create from the gifts of Mother Earth. I feel as though I have the talent to create as it speaks to me. The creation takes on the form that represents the person asking for it, and me, its creator, and together we are as one with nature. My creations take time, thought, and meditation. It takes a purpose as to why the inspiration has become the creation.” For this conversation, Tyrese will introduce to the audience her “No Face Ancestor” Gourd Art and “Infinity Spiral” Pine Needle Art.
This event is part of “Wheaton Conversations,” a new virtual series highlighting select artists with ties to WheatonArts! To see the full schedule of conversations, Click Here.

Tyrese “Bright Flower” Gould Jacinto
Native American Multi-Media Artist
Tyrese “Bright Flower” Gould Jacinto, of Bridgeton, New Jersey, is a member of the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape Indian Tribe. She is the daughter of the late Phyllis “Red Deer” and Chief Mark “Quiet Hawk” Gould, who were among a core group that initiated the ancient tribe’s modern-day structure. Their work allowed her to be immersed in tribal life as a child, understanding the value of arts and traditions from an early age.
Tyrese is a talented artist engaged in a variety of traditional Lenape arts – beadwork, basket weaving, wampum belts, shell work, leatherwork, pine needle, and gourd arts – “I am inspired to create from the gifts of Mother Earth. I feel as though I have the gift to create as it speaks to me. The creation of my Lenape art is from the heart and mindset that forms from deep within”. She feels that the indigenous people of New Jersey are “often portrayed as something that is from the past when in fact we are alive and thriving, and there are many artists among our tribe that are underrepresented or never mentioned. As an artist, it is always an honor to be able to share my talents with the world because if we do not share it with you, then you will not remember us”.
The mother of five children and two grandchildren, Tyrese is eager to pass on Lenape traditions to future generations. “If we do not persevere, these arts will not continue to be passed down,” she said. Over the years, she participated in various educational programs featuring Lenape traditional arts at Wheaton Arts and Cultural Center. Tyrese teaches workshops and classes at Lenape Youth summer camps, local libraries, schools, and art galleries. She also published a series of Children Books to pass on the stories of the tribe to their young and created video materials aimed at a deeper understanding of Lenape culture and artistic expressions.
Thank you to our sponsor, PNC Arts Alive!